
ENFCO Survey "ESG & Compliance"

Whitepaper: ENFCO Survey-Results “ESG & Compliance” 2023

ENFCO (European Network for Compliance Officers) conducted a Europe-wide survey entitled “ESG & Compliance” between October 2 and November 17, 2023. The aim was to gain an overview of how differently ESG is perceived by compliance officers and how companies deal with it. 505 people took part in the survey. 74 percent of respondents worked in the compliance area and 17 percent in the legal area. All company sizes were equally represented.

The relevance of ESG is high in companies. In three out of four companies, either top management or compliance management are responsible for ESG. However, responsibility for ESG is rarely assigned to a single department. The location of the area of responsibility in companies does not yet appear to be fixed: 52% of respondents stated that they did not know whether the current allocation would remain in place in the near future. Nevertheless, ESG is a clear future topic for the respondents.

The survey addresses ESG definition and framework, responsibilities and organization, implementation, future perspectives and demographic data.

Read the full whitepaper ENFCO Survey-Results “ESG & Compliance”.